A Legacy Bigger than Sport - Shaquille O’Neal


The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.

Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

Real Life

Shaquille O’Neal is one of the all-time greats of the NBA. He has won four NBA championships and Olympic gold. He was named MVP of the 1994 FIBA World Championship and USA Basketball Male Athlete of the year.

Yet despite this outstanding success, O’Neal has always been focused on much more than just being a star. He has strived to have a positive impact on world around him. In 1997 he started Shaq-a-Claus, a Christmas give away that has provided tens of thousands of toys, items of clothing, meals and more to underprivileged youth. In 1998, O’Neal’s chose to move from Reebok to Walmart to launch a shoe that would be more affordable.

In 2019 O’Neal established his own foundation which gives away tens of thousands of backpacks full of school supplies, refurbishes community basketball courts, resources and refurbishes America’s Boys and Girls Clubs so that kids and young people have a safe place to be, and has even built schools.

When asked why he does so much to help, O’Neal says “I want to be more than Shaq. The Shaq guy is going to fade away. You’ve got Steph Curry, all these guys stepping up, the Shaq guy will fade away”. This huge man of sport wants to leave a legacy that is bigger than his basketball reputation.

In sport we can idolise great sporting personalities and achievements, and dream of achieving such successes ourselves, but even the most amazing victory will not last forever. The bible says that we should take every opportunity to do good (Galatians 6:10), not because we want to receive glory for it, but because that is what is really important. Giving hope, showing kindness, valuing others, is worth so much more than selections, medals and trophies. While striving for sporting success is admirable, let’s not forget the things that are much more important than that.

Bible Verse

So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.

Galatians 6:10


Lord thank You for the opportunities I have to strive to succeed in sport and the moments of victory I have enjoyed. As I seek to do well, help me to remember that there are things I need to invest in that are much more important than my sport.


Author: Sarah Auld   |   Content Editor: Phil Pawley


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